Thursday, July 14, 2011

DAS GIFT: Coming to more boutiques around the USA

DAS GIFT is getting ready for more shipments to boutiques around the USA. From Seattle to Los Angeles, all the way to New York City. Be sure to keep an eye out and get your hands on their cutting edge designs and original material.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This week, DAS GIFT is designing it's Fall clothing line. Keep an eye out for more cutting edge designs, graphics and cuts. Misty Evans is at the drawing board and this up-coming season's clothes are going to be fresh and inspiring.

Spring Line 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New Look Books

Look books are in production and will soon be distributed to boutiques around the United States!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fall Fashion Line

This week DAS GIFT focuses on their Fall Fashion Line. With cutting edge styles and sexy designs, they continue to surprise and astonish with their original ideas and cuts. Make sure to keep an eye out for them coming this August - September.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Latest Show at Finnegan's Pub!

Thank you to all of our friends and co-workers for the latest show from DAS GIFT at Finnegan's Pub this past Friday. It was great to see familiar faces and to have yet another opportunity to display our merchandise and continue the success of DAS GIFT.